Stern_Call.mp3 (MP3, 24 kBits, 22.05 kHz, Mono) was mirrored from and 2068115 bytes
MD5 (Stern_Call.mp3) = 59faaabf51b1b4009690f31f9e17389d
powell-stern-2004-10-26.mp3 (MP3, 32 kBits, 22.05 kHz, Mono) is done, and was mirrored from and 2,912,572 bytes
MD5 (powell-stern-2004-10-26.mp3) = 5dc37c11978ef89deae8c1ce85ff6895
I also have the kgo-09.mp3 (MP3, 24 kBits, 22.05 kHz, Mono) at which point Stern starts about 30 mins into the show. Enjoy. This file is 10,800,195 bytes.
MD5 (kgo-09.mp3) = a591bec2c2c28b509643aed7f39e908c