>Does anyone know the command to verify the size of the SODIMMs in a Cat6000
>flexwan module? I am having difficulty locating it on CCO.
You should be able to get that via "show diag". The output may be
different depending on whether you're running hybrid or native code,
but I think both support the command...
ThingTwo#sh diag
Slot 9: Logical_index 18
FlexWan controller
Board is analyzed ipc ready
HW rev 1.5, board revision A0
Serial Number: SAD061502AM Part number: 73-3869-08
Slot database information:
Flags: 0x2004 Insertion time: unknown
Controller Memory Size:
56 MBytes CPU Memory
8 MBytes Packet Memory
64 MBytes Total on Board SDRAM
IOS (tm) cwlc Software (cwpa-DW-M), Version 12.1(11b)E1, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
PA Bay 0 Information:
EEPROM format version 1
HW rev 2.00, Board revision C0
Serial number: 24463831 Part number: 73-3193-02
Slot 9: Logical_index 19
FlexWan controller
Board is analyzed ipc ready
HW rev 1.5, board revision A0
Serial Number: SAD061502AM Part number: 73-3869-08
Slot database information:
Flags: 0x2004 Insertion time: unknown
Controller Memory Size:
56 MBytes CPU Memory
8 MBytes Packet Memory
64 MBytes Total on Board SDRAM
IOS (tm) cwlc Software (cwpa-DW-M), Version 12.1(11b)E1, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
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