If your'e looking for CBWFQ, did you check the 12.1T train both SP and
Enterprise? ( for MPLS I assume you mean Tag-switching or you want LDP ?)
-----Original Message-----
From: Przemyslaw Karwasiecki [mailto:karwas@ifxcorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:45 PM
To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
Subject: [nsp] CBWFQ on 7200 with ST IOS trim
Please share with me you opinion/experience related to
deployment of QoS on 7200 boxen running in SP environment.
As CBWFQ (or LLQ) is not available in 12.0(21)ST,
please share with me your opinions what IOS trim
should I consider.....
SP environment in my case == BGP, ISIS, MPLS and stability++
I need to carry VoIP traffic on our congested link and don't
want to play IOS rullete :-) with 12.2(?)T
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