Re: [nsp] GE PA / VIP4-50 compatibility

From: Clinton Work (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 12:57:18 EDT

My understanding is that the PA-GE will only work in 7204/6VXRs.

You can only use the GEIP and GEIP+ in the 7500 series.

GEIP == VIP2-50 with GigE interface
GEIP+ == VIP4-50 with GigE interface

The answer is no, you can't put the VIP4-50 memory into the
GEIP. You could put the memory into a GEIP+.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 12:15:32AM -0700, ken lindahl wrote:
> hi,
> i have a relatively old GEIP that i need to press into service
> for a kind of urgent, temporary application. the GEIP has only
> 32MB DRAM and 4MB SRAM, though; much less than i would like.
> can i remove the GE PA and install it in a VIP4-50 w/ 256MZB DRAM
> and 64MB SRAM? in case it helps, here's the output from "show diag":
> EEPROM format version 1
> GEIP controller, HW rev 2.02, board revision C0
> Serial number: 14986859 Part number: 73-2167-05
> Test history: 0x00 RMA number: 00-00-00
> Flags: cisco 7000 board; 7500 compatible
> EEPROM contents (hex):
> 0x20: 01 21 02 02 00 E4 AE 6B 49 08 77 05 00 00 00 00
> 0x30: 60 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> Slot database information:
> Flags: 0x4 Insertion time: 0x2BCA20 (01:03:41 ago)
> Controller Memory Size: 32 MBytes DRAM, 4096 KBytes SRAM
> PA Bay 0 Information:
> Gigabit-Ethernet PA, 1 ports
> EEPROM format version 1
> HW rev 1.00, Board revision A0
> Serial number: 14308680 Part number: 73-3144-03
> i vaguely recall, but can't quite get into focus, that there is
> something about the GE PA and GEIP that causes them to want to stay
> together. the fact that the GE PA has no extraction handle sort of
> reinforces this. otoh, i was able to remove the GE PA and install
> it into the VIP4-50; the interface was recognized and configurable.
> it that doesn't work, does any one know whether i can move the DRAM
> from the VIP-4/50 into the GEIP, to get more DRAM into the
> thanks in advance for any help/advise,
> ken
> p.s. we realize the use of the GEIP is somewhat disadvantaged as a
> GE port. however, this is only a temp bandage and the total bandwidth
> presented to the GEIP will be nore more than 200-250Mbps in either
> direction.

Clinton Work                              
Calgary, Alberta

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