Re: [nsp] BGP as-path help

From: Steve Austin (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 11:53:55 EDT

Most likely UUnet is filtering out the prepended as-path. You may want to
contact them and check to see if they are allowing you to do this.


At 11:03 AM 10/19/99 -0400, Eric J Merkel wrote:
>We currently have 3 upstream T1's. 1 with UUNET and 2 with Sprint. Right now
>our UUNET T1(incoming traffic) is maxing out at 97% at night while our
>Sprint T1's are at about 40% (incoming traffic).
>I was trying to prepend our AS path to our announcements goint to UUNet to
>hopefully even things out but for some reason when doing this, all of our
>routes thru UUNET disappeared most likely to a misconfiguration on my part
>(I am a BGP newbie). I have since taken our the route-map statement and
>routes thru UUNET are visible again thru the DIGEX looking glass.
>Here are my UUnet neighbor statements:
>neighbor remote-as 701
>neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
>neighbor update-source FastEthernet0/0
>neighbor next-hop-self
>neighbor route-map SETPATH out
>neighbor filter-list 10 out
>ip as-path access-list 10 permit ^$
>access-list 1 permit
>route-map SETPATH permit 10
> match ip address 1
> set as-path prepend 13638 13638
>I have also tried it as such:
>route-map SETPATH permit 10
> match as-path 10
> set as-path prepend 13638 13638
>Anyone got any ideas? BTW I am doing a clear ip bgp after the
>changes are complete. :)
>Eric Merkel / MetaLink Technologies, Inc
>Phone: 419-782-3472 X304

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