Back in the day, it was Very eXpensive Router.
Anyway, the VXR arch is significantly faster than the non-VXR, and allows
for an entirely different class of NPEs. The premium these days for the
VXR is minimal (maybe a $1k or so). The VXR is also needed to use some of
the higher-end cards, such as the PA-GE; also, the VXR can have a GE on
the MIO.
a 7206 VXR with a NPE-400 is a formidable, and affordable, router, that
can move well over 200 mb/s in real-world.
For a while, we had a NPE-300 that was doing about 200 mb/s sustained
aggregate inbound, and was relatively happy about it. In the event of BGP
instability, or a DoS, it did tend to get groggy. It had 3 FE's, 4 T3's,
and an ATM OC3; it had about 40 BGP peers, of which maybe 4 were full.
With all the .bombs, we've move to a 7507MX/RSP8 with a couple VIP4-80s
(which we picked used for about the same price we paid for the VXR new)..
On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Birsen Ozturk wrote:
> Hello
> What is the difference between 7200 and 7200VXR? What does VXR stand
> for?
> Thanks in advance.
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