At 10:21 AM 11/21/2001 -0500, Birsen Ozturk wrote:
>I need some case studies regarding iBGP unequal cost load
>balancing(using neighbor dmzlink-bw command introduced in 12.2IOS's).
The unequal parameter is only for DMZ-link BW (EBGP connection and not IBGP)
>What I am trying to find out is whether I can use it to share the load
>between two iBGP neighbors connected by 2 unequal links.
The unequal links in IBGP cannot play any role in this feature. In fact
cost to reach
the IGP NEXT_HOPs should also be same. In case when IBGP links are unequal
the IGP cost
is most likely different so first you would have to fake the IGP cost and
then use IBGP multipath feature
you referred.
In the URL below, from Router A the two Next-Hops (C and D) must be equal
cost. If the link between AtoC
and AtoD are of different BW then IGP cost will be different, this is the
one you have to Fake in A.
Hope this helps
>Thank you in advance
>With warm regards,
Zaheer Aziz || ||
Internetworking Engineer :||: :||:
CCIE# 4127 |||| ||||
Cisco Systems |||||| ||||||
SanJose, CA ....::||||||||::....::||||||||::....
C i s c o S y s t e m s
Phone: 408-527-0719
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