Re: [nsp] Level 3 Data Center Certification

From: Ryan O'Connell (
Date: Sat Nov 24 2001 - 17:13:19 EST

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 01:19:59PM -0800, Edward S. Desouza wrote:
> Hi Guys....
> A question not relatied to cisco but I thought this
> would be the best palce to post this querry . DO ANY
> OF YOU KNOW WHAT LEVEL 3 Data Center Certification is
> all about ? Any web sites that cover what this
> certification entails ?

You're probably referring to NEBS standards, which are
a set of US standards on equipment that can be used in
Telco exchanges. Level 3 is the most stringent level,
and includes things such as protection from EMF, Operating
Temerature/humidity ranges, resiliency to lightning strikes
etc. As far as I'm aware, it only applies to equipment
and not data centers although I suppose a DC with only
NEBS-compliant kit in it is in itself compliant.

         Ryan O'Connell - CCIE #8174
<> -

I'm not losing my mind, no I'm not changing my lines, I'm just learning new things with the passage of time

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