Re: [nsp] How to take backup on tftp server

From: Eric L. Howard (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 09:15:22 EST

At a certain time, now past, fingers spake thusly:
> Hi
> > can anybody guide me how to take backup of boot image or
> > IOS bin to tftp server on network from router?
> assuming you have a working tftp-server, you need to make sure that
> whatever the file is that you're copying to exists, and you can give it
> write permissions (chmod 777 <filename>)
> then a 'write network' should prompt you for the ip address of your
> tftp-server and the filename.

copy flash:$IMAGENAME tftp


Eric L. Howard           e l h @ o u t r e a c h n e t w o r k s . c o m
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                    Advocate of the Theocratic Rule

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