[nsp] Couple of CEF oddities

From: Sean Butler (sbutler1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 11:13:51 EDT

We've generally had very good success running CEF,
even though I have heard others say it does not run
well at all. Recently, we've come across two very strange
things and I'm just curious if anyone has seen something
similar... Code level in both cases is 11.1(26.1CC)

First is an SPF/CEF issue. We have a few routers that
take about 2 seconds to run SPF on external routes,
which could actually be the heart of the problem. Most
routers in the same area 0 run in 1 second or so. When
CEF is enabled on the routers that take twice as long
as others to run SPF, then the SPF calc goes up to 6-9
seconds!!! And the router drops packets to itself and
transit packets.... :-(

The second issue is one with WCCP and CEF. When
WCCP is turned on and CEF is enabled, IP INPUT
goes quite high (as of course doe overall CPU)... Turning
CEF off and leaving WCCP on drops IP INPUT to
where we expected it... :-( I know that WCCP can't
be CEF switched, but I would not expect it to be
process switched just because CEF is on, instead
of FAST or OPT switched...

So, anyone see anything else similar? We are of course
working this through our Cisco team, but I just wanted
to see if anyone else has had such issues too..


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