I am trying to setup a bridged interface with multiple ATM PVCs on a
7206 for the purpose of provisioning ADSL. Below are the relavent
configuration snipits. My problem is this: I have two PVCs defined to
two different DSL circuits. The IPs at the remote ends of these
circuits is and I can ping both of theses
ip addresses from my 7206. I also have connectivity from each remote
machine to the 7206 and to the outside world. I do not, however, have
connectivity between the two remote machines. If I do a "debug arp" on
the 7206, I see arp requests comming from one of the remote machines,
but that request is never sent to the other one. I presume that the
solution is some kind of proxy arp or something, but I have not found
the answer. Can someone help?
bridge irb
interface ATM6/0
mtu 1500
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip mroute-cache
no atm scrambling sts-stream
interface ATM6/0.1000 multipoint
description ADSL Shared Interface
ip directed-broadcast
no ip proxy-arp
atm pvc 1001 3 33 aal5snap 6144 6144
atm pvc 1002 3 34 aal5snap 1536 1536
bridge-group 1
interface BVI1
description Interface for Shared ADSL
ip address
ip directed-broadcast
bridge 1 protocol ieee
bridge 1 route ip
Steven Saner SouthWind Internet Access, Inc.
ssaner@southwind.net Systems/Network Administrator
http://www2.southwind.net/~ssaner http://www.southwind.net
263-7963 Wichita (800)525-7963
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