I have a client that has 4700M that he is using for a DSL connection with
a NAT block behind it...
The router is running c4500-jk9s-mz.122-7b.bin it was previously running
c4500-ik9s-mz.122-6c.bin with the same symptom though.
Now all is fine *unless* someone in his NOC runs a gnuttella client -
after a while the (a few hours) it seems that the router starts running
low on resources. It looks to me like a memory issue - the router only
has 16M. Since it is behind a NAT block none of the return gnuttella
connections to I believe port 6346 are making it through.
This is what I am seeing in the logs:
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 66: Apr 19 09:46:21.187: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory
allocation of 32768 bytes failed from 0x603A9F44, alignment 0
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 67: Pool: Processor Free: 70312 Cause: Memory
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 68: Alternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 69:
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 70: -Process= "IP Input", ipl= 0, pid= 25
Apr 19 05:46:18 gw 71: -Traceback= 603AE3C0 603B0B80 603A9F4C 60BC8E84
60BCCC70 60BC295C 60454620 60453408 60453624 604537B8 603A3054 603A3040
I'm also seeing alot of '%AAAA-3-DROPACCTLOWMEM' type stuff right from the
et go - though it may or may not be related.
What concerned me was the fact that I was getting a 'Traceback' message.
Any help is appreciated...
-- Rich Sena - ras@thick.net ThickNET Consulting "On the way to understanding; you understand, and forget."
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