[nsp] VPDN + IP Local Pool Issue

From: Tejal Shah (tejal.shah@surat.iqara.net)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 08:11:30 EDT

Dear All,

    I m using VPDN for allow user to dialin to my router
and user the service. My User will authenticate through

  Following is the configuration .......

vpdn enable
vpdn-group 1
  protocol pppoe
  virtual-template 1
 pppoe limit per-mac 10
interface Virtual-Template1
 mtu 1492
 ip unnumbered Cable3/0.2
 ip access-group telnetfilter in
 ip mask-reply
 ip accounting output-packets
 ip accounting access-violations
 no ip route-cache
 no snmp trap link-status
 peer default ip address pool pcs
 ppp authentication pap callin one-time
 ppp ipcp dns
 ppp timeout ncp 30
 ppp timeout authentication 20
ip local pool pcs


   How can i increase the lease period of IP address which
my client will get from my NAS.so that my client will get
always the same IP address.

with regards

Tejal Shah

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