FEIP2 PA's are indistinguishable from PA-FE's and can be used separately
without problems. FEIP PA's, I think it depends on the vintage, your
milage may vary.
A FEIP2 is an intentionally crippled, minimally configured VIP2, such
that IOS won't permit other than PA-FE-XX's.
A FEIP is related to the the VIP(1) based VIP-FE-TX, and while the basic
PA-interface probably hasn't changed, timing, OIR support and other little
details may have evolved on the PA side of the game.
You can plug random PA-FE's into the FEIP or FEIP2, all seems to work.
Of course don't confuse a FEIP2-TX with a FEIP-2TX, different animals.
Of course Cisco will tell you that this is unsuported, for good reason,
the FEIP's and their cousin VIP-based IP's are typically priced way
below the cost of the VIP + PA's involved...
> Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 16:20:38 -0500
> From: nicholas harteau <nrh@ikami.com>
> To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Subject: [nsp] FEIP PAs?
> Is it possible to remove the ports from an FEIP and use them as
> individual PAs in a 7200?
> --
> nicholas harteau
> nrh@ikami.com
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