On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 11:06:09AM -0700, Shivi Fotedar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've a question on access-list regarding "permit any"
> on cisco GSR 12.0(9)S. I do the following
> configuration with a named access list, test_acl,
> where I allow all packets to pass through. The router
> should allow all packets to pass through, but it does
> not. However, the same configuration works if I use a
> numbered access list instead of named accesslist. Can
> someone tell me if this is a bug or am I doing
> something wrong?
GSR does not support named ACLs on the LCs, so only packets that get
touched by the GRP (wich should only be locally received traffic) will
get run through this ACL. You need to use a numbered ACL instead.
> ip access-list standard test_acl
> permit any
> interface giga 1/0
> ip address
> ip access-group test_acl in
> interface giga 3/0
> ip address
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