SYSLOG Facilities

From: Martin, Christian (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 19:14:16 EDT


I am trying to set up a syslog daemon to respond to messages sent on
different facilities. This allows us to have different routers in different
locations logg to different files.

Here is the config:
local7.debug /var/adm/log/syslog.01
local6.debug /var/adm/log/syslog.02
local5.debug /var/adm/log/syslog.03

Tabs are used. I've tried changing the severity values, but to no avail.
The first one works, but the second two don't work. Actually, when I
changed the severity to err (3), I started getting messages in
/var/adm/messages. The man page suggests that I can specify multiple
facility.seveity pairs, seperated by commas, but it still is sending to

Any help?


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