I don't know about the 4000, but on 35XX's the link light will only
come on if the 35XX if the partner is set to auto-negotiate. If the
partners is set to "force on/fdx" then you don't get a light.
So, check that the Cajun is set up for autonegotiation or try fixing
the port setup on the Cisco.
> From cisco-nsp-request@puck.nether.net Thu Sep 14 03:20:20 2000
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> Resent-Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 03:20:17 -0400
> Received-Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 03:18:26 -0400
> Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:18:18 +0200
> From: Dmitri Kalintsev <dek@hades.uz>
> To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
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> Subject: [nsp] 1000BaseSX, Cat4000 -> Lucent Cajun problem
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> Hello good people,
> I have a problem on my hands. One of our customers who we've designed campus
> LAN for, had one Lucent Cajun 550 switch with 4 port 1000BaseSX module that
> he did not want to part with (the rest of the campus LAN is purely Cisco
> equipment). Now, when I'm trying to connect this Cajun to a Cisco's
> 1000BaseSX uplink, I get "link" light on the Cajun, but not on the Cisco, and
> cisco says that port it "not connected". This is not a problem with a fiber.
> People who sold this Cajun switch originally have brought another Cajun and
> plugged it into the same fiber pair that is used for cisco <-> cajun
> connectivity, and it worked just fine. This is not a problem with Cisco's GE
> module, either - it works fine from any port to any other Cisco switch on
> campus. So, to sum it up:
> 1. It's not a cabling/distance/fiber type problem. It works fine bewtween
> cisco's connected via the same cable drop or between cajuns connected via
> that very same cable drop.
> 2. It's not Cajun's GE or Cisco's GE problem - both are of 1000BaseSX type
> and both work just fine connecting to their respective siblings of the
> same brand.
> 3. This is not a "port disabled" problem on either cajun or cisco - very same
> ports do come up when connected to (blah-blah, see above).
> 4. "Link" light does come up on Cajun, at the same time when it does not on
> Cisco. If I swap SC's around, link light goes away on Cajun also.
> I'm suspecting that I may need a fiber attuneator or something, but it does
> not make much sence: both Cajun's GE and Cisco's GBIC are 1000BaseSX, so they
> ideally should work together. Or are they?
> Search on the web came back with nothing. ;^(
> Any ideas appreciated.
> Thanks!
> --
> CCNP,CCDP (R&S) Dmitri E. Kalintsev
> CDPlayer@irc Chief of Network Operations @ Sonorous Networks
> dek @ hades.uz phone: +27 11-327-1524 fax: 327-7648
> http://hades.uz UIN:7150410 cell +27 82-336-1033
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