At 02:51 PM 9/19/00 -0400, phorce wrote:
>What I'm trying to do is get modem connect rates via SNMP for use on the
>new RADIUS servers. The following OIDs seem to be the ones I want:
>readonly int cmTXRate
The OIDs you mention, namely:
cmTXRate and cmRXRate ( from the CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB )
work just fine on all the 5800's I have deployed.
cmProductDescription returns a different value for my queries.
A query for the OID's you mention returns:
cmProductDetails.102.0 = Modem (Select Option), Firmware Rev:
cmTXRate.102.0 = 46666
cmRXRate.102.0 = 26400
IOS version on these 5800s is 12.1(2a)AA, Firmware revision
You neglect to mention what IOS version you are running and what modem
firmware is installed. Care to share that info?
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