Re: [nsp] GSR AC power in the US.

From: Simon Lockhart (
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 10:37:31 EDT

>Does anyone have a GSR on AC power in the US? Is there anything
>different from a 7507 interms of requirements?

We have a pair of 12008's on AC power in Telehouse NY. Key requirement is
230/208V (there's no 110V PSU for the GSR) - we had to get Telehouse to
run power sockets for them specially.


Simon Lockhart                       |   Tel: +44 (0)1737 839676 
Internet Engineering Manager         |   Fax: +44 (0)1737 839516 
BBC Internet Services                | Email: 
Kingswood Warren,Tadworth,Surrey,UK  |   URL:

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