[nsp] OSPF Static Route Redistribution

From: Desmarais, Jonathan (JDesmarais@colt-telecom.com)
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 09:15:43 EDT

Here's one for the books.

We have two area's. Redistributed static routes in area 15 where shown as
redistributed on the edge routers in that area, but not all where shown as
advertised. The ones that were, were part of a contiguous block in the area,
these propagated through to area 0, no problem. The funny thing is the
routes that suddenly were not being advertised worked just the day before.
No significant changes took place. Only random routes were affected.

The edge routers were MSFC cards in CAT 6509's running IOS 12.1.1EX on the
CAT 5.4.2 Switch Software Sup1 modules.
The ABR's are 12008 running 12.0.9S.

I could not figure out what the problem was, so I merge area 15 into area 0
and the problem is gone. I cannot leave it like this though.

Any Idea's.

Thanks In advance.

Jonathan Desmarais
Data Engineering
COLT Telecom UK
44 (0) 20 7863 5332
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