Re: Sending all BGP paths to a neighbor, not just best

From: Jay Borkenhagen (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 14:06:19 EST

Tony> On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, Miguel A.L. Paraz wrote:

>> Is there a BGP option to send a neighbor all paths per route, not
>> just the best?

Tony> It depends on your BGP topology.

Tony> If you have a iBGP mesh in your core, you could add it to the
Tony> mesh (ie. add neighbor statements for all those routers) and
Tony> it'll get all the routes that they get. A bit of work if that's
Tony> a lot of routers, but definitely do-able.

Well, no, not quite:

Doing what Tony suggests will get you each locally best route from
each of your routers. However, if any of those routers receive
multiple announcements of a given prefix, you'll still lose the info
for all those that are not selected as best.

Alfredo's per-peer VRF suggestion sounds like it would work, but VRFs
still scare me.

I agree that the BGP knob Miguel asks for would be very interesting to
have for analysis purposes, but I think it could be dangerous. It is
a fundamental concept in BGP that a BGP speaker will only announce its
best path for any prefix; changing this behavior might let network
administrators accidentally shoot themselves in the foot.

                                                Jay B.

  Jay Borkenhagen

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