Re: [nsp] Cisco 7206-VXR disaster recovery.

From: David Bergum (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2001 - 09:20:22 EST

>>>>> On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 19:11:58 +0530, "Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni" <> said:

  Vinod> Dear David,
  Vinod> Thanks so much for the reply, I tried connecting the TFTP server directly
  Vinod> to the Fast-Ethernet interface on the NPE 300, & issued the command "boot
  Vinod> c7200-js-mz.121-6.bin" I recieve the following error message

  Vinod> " An alternate boot helper program is not specified (monitor variable
  Vinod> "BOOTLDR" is not set) and unable to determine first file in boot flash
  Vinod> load prog% error - on file open boot % cannot load "c7200-js-mz.121-6.bin

I think you had the syntax wrong. Should be:

  boot tftp://>/<path>

  Vinod> I do not find any vaild images on any of the flash disks, & the system is
  Vinod> totally empty.

  Vinod> I forgot to mention, that the router is currently stuck in ROM-Monitor
  Vinod> mode.

Another option would be to format a flash in another 7206 and copy over a
boot image, and slip it back into the 7200.

  Vinod> Kindly advise me on what could be done.

  Vinod> With warm regards,
  Vinod> Vinod.

  Vinod> <br>
  Vinod> <form action=><font size=2 face="Courier New">Dear David,<br>
  Vinod> <br>
  Vinod> Thanks so much for the reply, I tried connecting the TFTP server directly to the Fast-Ethernet interface on the NPE 300, &amp; issued the command &quot;boot c7200-js-mz.121-6.bin; I recieve the following error message<br>
  Vinod> <b><br>
  Vinod> </b></font><font size=3 face="Courier New"><b>&quot; An alternate boot helper program is not specified (monitor variable &quot;BOOTLDR&quot; is not set) and unable to determine first file in boot flash load prog% error - on file open boot % cannot load &quot;c7200-js-mz.121-6.bin;.</b></font><font size=2 face="Courier New"><br>
  Vinod> <br>
  Vinod> I do not find any vaild images on any of the flash disks, &amp; the system is totally empty.<br>
  Vinod> </font>
  Vinod> <br><font size=2 face="Courier New">I forgot to mention, that the router is currently stuck in ROM-Monitor mode.</font>
  Vinod> <br><font size=2 face="Courier New"><br>
  Vinod> Kindly advise me on what could be done.<br>
  Vinod> <br>
  Vinod> With warm regards,<br>
  Vinod> Vinod. </font><input type=hidden name=NamePreference><input type=hidden name=InheritedSendTo value="David Bergum &lt;;, &quot;Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni&quot; &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=InheritedAltSendTo value="David Bergum &lt;;, &quot;Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni&quot; &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=$AltNameLanguageTags><input type=hidden name=$StorageCc value=.><input type=hidden name=$StorageTo value=.><input type=hidden name=$StorageBcc><input type=hidden name=InetCopyTo value=.><input type=hidden name=InetSendTo value=.><input type=hidden name=AltCopyTo><input type=hidden name=InetBlindCopyTo><input type=hidden name=LanguagePreference value=en><input type=hidden name=InheritedReplyTo><input type=hidden name=InheritedFrom value="David Bergum &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=InheritedAltFrom value="David Bergum &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=InheritedF!
  romDomain> <input type=hidden name=From value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni/DSQworld"><input type=hidden name=AltFrom value="CN=Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni/O=DSQworld"><input type=hidden name=Logo value=StdNotesLtr5><input type=hidden name=BGTableColor><input type=hidden name=useApplet value=True><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplayFrom_Preview value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=Sign value=0><input type=hidden name=Encrypt value=0><input type=hidden name=$KeepPrivate><input type=hidden name=DefaultMailSaveOptions value=1><input type=hidden name=Path_Info value=/mail/vac.nsf/38d46bf5e8f08834852564b500129b2c/7a17dd193afab447652569ff004a4e80?OpenDocument><input type=hidden name=Query_String><input type=hidden name=SametimeServer><input type=hidden name=Principal value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni/DSQworld"><input type=hidden name=tmpRemovePath><input type=hidden name=Importance><input type=hidden name=DeliveryReport><input type=hidden name=DeliveryP!
  riority> <input type=hidden name=tmpSendOptions><input type=hidden name=ReturnReceipt><input type=hidden name=MailOptions value=0><input type=hidden name=SaveOptions value=1><input type=hidden name=PostedDate value=02/26/2001><input type=hidden name=ReplyTo><input type=hidden name=AbortGracefully><input type=hidden name=tmpOpenMsg><input type=hidden name=ReturnView><input type=hidden name=ClientType value=Web><input type=hidden name=tmpAlreadySent value=0><input type=hidden name=tmpPrincipal value="CN=Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni/O=DSQworld"><input type=hidden name=path value=mail/vac.nsf><input type=hidden name=docID value=7A17DD193AFAB447652569FF004A4E80><input type=hidden name=pdocID><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplayFrom_NoLogo value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplaySendTo value="David Bergum"><input type=hidden name=TmpDisplaySubject_1 value="Re: [nsp] Cisco 7206-VXR disas..."><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplayCC value="&quot;Vinod Antho!
  Vinod> ny Joseph Cherunni&quot;"><input type=hidden name=SendTo value="David Bergum &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=CopyTo value="&quot;Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni&quot; &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=BlindCopyTo><input type=hidden name=WebSubject value="Re: [nsp] Cisco 7206-VXR disaster recovery."><input type=hidden name=DisplayFrom_Preview value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplaySentBy value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplayDate_Preview value="02/26/2001 19:07"><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplayReplyInfo value="Please respond"><input type=hidden name=DisplayFrom value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=DisplaySent value="Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni"><input type=hidden name=DisplayDate value="02/26/01 19:07"><input type=hidden name=DisplayReply value="Please respond"><input type=hidden name=EnterSendTo value="David Bergum &lt;;"><input t!
  Vinod> ype=hidden name=EnterCopyTo value="&quot;Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni&quot; &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=tmpEnterCopyTo value="&quot;Vinod Anthony Joseph Cherunni&quot; &lt;;"><input type=hidden name=EnterBlindCopyTo><input type=hidden name=FaxToList><input type=hidden name=Subject value="Re: [nsp] Cisco 7206-VXR disaster recovery."><input type=hidden name=tmpDisplaySubject value="Re: [nsp] Cisco 7206-VXR disaster recovery."><input type=hidden name=RemoveNoteItems><input type=hidden name=tmpWebDisplayIfEncrypted value="The body of this message is encrypted and cannot be displayed by a browser client. Please reopen this message with a Notes Client or ask the sender for copy that is not encrypted.">
  Vinod> <br></form>

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