Re: [nsp] Experience with NSE-1 and IOS 12.0S?

Date: Mon Mar 19 2001 - 11:59:47 EST

> Since Friday i have a new box running. Cisco 7206VXR, NSE-1, I/O-2FE/E
> with IOS 12.0(15)S1.
> According to the HW-SW-Matrix on only IOS 12.1E and 12.1T
> do support the NSE-1.
> Well, the box bootet up and is running for more than two days now
> without any errors yet. I feeded three full-table BGP sessions into the
> box to generate a bit load, but of course i don't run any traffic over
> it right now.
> I would like to continue with IOS 12.0S instead of the 12.1 ones for
> various reasons and asked myself if anyone has experience with the NSE-1
> yet, especialy with IOS 12.0S.

Yes, we've had a 7206VXR with NSE-1 running with various versions of
12.0S for quite a while. It works okay, as long as you define "PXF not
being used at all" as working okay. You can see this with "show pxf
acc sum". On a router with PXF working, you should see for instance
the "Packets RP -> PXF" counters:

PXF Statistic:
Packets RP -> PXF:
    switch ip: 0
    switch raw: 165987063
    qos fastsend: 0
    qos enqueue: 4750
Total: 165991813

increasing steadily.

We're now running the same routers with 12.1(5a)E2, and PXF is working
nicely. We're using this box with a lot of ACLs, and the difference in
processor load with and without PXF is very significant.

> I also don't know why 12.0S is not mentioned with any documents for the
> NSE-1. What happens that it is not supported?
> Is it just not tested? Can't imagine.
> Is it know to run unstable?
> Or is the PXF simply not running with IOS 12.0S?

It's not running.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

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