Will this construction work?
vpdn-group 1
accept dialin l2tp virtual-template 1 remote rtp_tunnel
local name ABCDE
interface Virtual-Template1
ip vrf forwarding VPN1
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0.10
no ip directed-broadcast
peer default ip address pool default
ppp authentication chap
interface FastEthernet0/0.10
encapsulation dot1q 10
ip vrf forvarding VPN1
ip address
On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 07:15:41AM +0200, Dmitri Kalintsev wrote:
> Hello good people,
> I've a question: is termination of L2TP tunnel inside VRF is possible?
> Consider L2TP tunnel initiated from inside of non-MPLS enabled cloud. If it
> is, what is a good place to check out possible solutions and/or config
> examples?
> What I need is this: imagine non-MPLS enabled cloud, and on one side of the
> cloud is access server, say 5300. On other end of the cloud is 7200 router,
> which is running MPLS, and which is MPLS cloud edge router. What I need is
> to enable dial-up client to dial into 5300, which will build L2TP tunnel
> into 7200, particularily into one of its VRFs, and start PPP session with
> client in such way, that client's traffic will go into VRF.
> Any pointers are appreciated. (Sorry if I'm talking rubbish, I seem to think
> this isn't gonna work, but I've been told by one of local cisco guys that it
> will and I'm too sick now to analyze all factors and deduct it myself).
> Thanks,
> --
> CCNP, CCDP (R&S) Dmitri E. Kalintsev
> CDPlayer@irc Network Architect @ connect.com.au
> dek @ connect.com.au phone: +61 39 674 3913 fax: 251 3666
> http://-UNAVAIL- UIN:7150410 cell: +61 41 335 1634
---end quoted text---
-- CCNP, CCDP (R&S) Dmitri E. Kalintsev CDPlayer@irc Network Architect @ connect.com.au dek @ connect.com.au phone: +61 39 674 3913 fax: 251 3666 http://-UNAVAIL- UIN:7150410 cell: +61 41 335 1634
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