Re: High Density ISDN-Only Dialup

From: Dennis Peng (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 18:55:06 EDT

How about two AS5350's with 24 T1/E1's each? 2 RU total. Don't know
about the price though.


Alessandro Chiolo [] wrote:
> I was thinking about an ISDN-only high density dialup solution and I
> came across the PA-MC-8E1. If I put 6 of these cards in a 7206VXR I can
> support up to 1440 ISDN calls at once.
> Does this make sense or is there some reason this wouldn't work? Which
> could the drawbacks be when confronted with a 5400 -or even a 5800-
> without modems? Which would be a reasonable NPE for the box?
> regards,
> Alex

      ||        ||                                 Dennis Peng
      ||        ||        Cisco Systems, Inc.      Escalation Engineer
     ||||      ||||       170 West Tasman Drive    Phone: (408) 526-6143
 ..:||||||:..:||||||:..   San Jose, CA 95134       Fax:   (408) 232-2343
   Cisco Systems Inc.                    

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