RE: [nsp] 7507, VIP2/50, and POS-OC3

From: Karyn Ulriksen (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 17:18:00 EDT

Thanks all. I think I got a handle on it now. I knew about the RSP slots.
I will try it in slots 0 or 1 tonight (to take advantage of the different
Cybus), bring it down, and not rely on the OIR at all.

BTW, it did crash the router when the card was inserted... which was
mentioned as a possibility. Let you guys know tomorrow how it worked out.
I just wasn't sure if it was a pure sign of a bad card or not.


:: -----Original Message-----
:: From: Niels Bakker []
:: Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:08 PM
:: To:
:: Subject: Re: [nsp] 7507, VIP2/50, and POS-OC3
:: * (Travis Pugh) [Tue 05 Jun 2001, 23:06 CEST]:
:: > I've got a couple of 7507s with VIP2/50 + ATM OC3 PAs, and
:: they work fine
:: > in slot 0 and 1. Never tried them with OIR (what, is that online
:: > insertion and reboot?) though.
:: On insertion reboot (according to Rodney van den Oever's
:: .signature)...
:: -- Niels.
:: --
:: "IP assumes non-hostile, non-lazy, and non-clueless nodes."
:: -- Mark Mentovai

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