Re: [nsp] release notes for 12.2(2)T?

From: Gert Doering (
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 15:45:17 EDT


On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 03:30:21PM -0400, William F. Maton wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Gert Doering wrote:
> > I've noticed that 12.2(2)T is out (unfortunately not yet for the platforms
> > I'm waiting for IPv6 the most - 2500, C5RSM and C5RSFC, but they might
> > come later, who knows...)
> From what I've heard, it's not clear that the Cisco group responsible for
> doing the C5RSM and C5RSFC will be releasing T-based IOS for 12.2.

Not that there has been a release of non-T 12.2 for the C5RSFC either.
(Which makes me massively unhappy. It's a nice piece of hardware for
the ISP market, but is not supported very well).

> I'm in the same boat as you. However, maybe someone will de-lurk and
> enlighten us.

For the 2500, there have been promises on the IPv6-beta list (there was no
12.1T-based IPv6 beta either!), but nothing either.

> > What I cannot find are release notes for 12.2(2)T - only 12.2(1) or
> > 12.1(x)T...
> >
> > Are there any (yet)?
> There are notes, but I haven't seen the software yet....

Oh, the software is there (since today), only "not for all platforms".

...and I'm not sure what some of the images will do to a 1600 - there's
an c1600-bk8nor2sy-mz.122-2.T.bin with 6.1 Mb of image size - right now,
my 1600 runs c1600-sy56i-mz.121-2.bin, which is 3.8 Mb sized, and has only
2 Mbytes of RAM left - add over two Mbytes of *gzip'ed* IOS size and
wonders will happen... (the 1600 has 18Mb of RAM, and can't go further).


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-35655025              

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