Re: Packet size and packet/sec.

From: Ryan O'Connell (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 08:38:03 EDT

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 01:29:33PM +0100, Jean-Christophe Varaillon wrote:
> The CPU utilization rate is around 90%.
> I am looking for a reason why.
> I would like to know how small packets should be and how many they should
> be to increase significantly the CPU rate of my 3640 router.

Try "show proc cpu" and find the process that's eating up all the CPU time.

A 3640 chassis should be able to handle a throuhput of 50-100Mb/s even with
quite small packets.

Ryan O'Connell - <> -

I'm not losing my mind, no I'm not changing my lines, I'm just learning new things with the passage of time

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