At 17:53 02/08/01 -0700, Josh Richards wrote:
>Am I just not seeing where this parameter is documented?
>If I'm just being blind, someone have a pointer? Otherwise anyone at Cisco
>got some input on this command?
Actually, the entire cef/dcef/route-cache thingie and the interdependencies
is poorly documented.
makes an attempt but doesn't go far enough. There are so many things
undocumented or just word of mouth that Cisco should put together a doc or
FAQ on the matter. Stupid things like when you do a "sho ip switching" and
see a line with Auton/SSE in it, it is NOT autonomous switched/silicon
switched - but probably is distributed switched (dcef) packets. Or what
runs on the VIP and what runs on the RSP.
>Josh Richards <jrichard@{, }> [JTR38/JR539-ARIN]
>Geek Research, LLC - San Luis Obispo, CA - <URL:>
>KG6CYK - IP/Unix/telecom/knowledge/coffee/security/crypto/business/geek
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