On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 10:39:14AM +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 02:56:46AM +0200, Dmitri Kalintsev wrote:
> > Yes, distributed nature of 7500s makes it difficult to just duplicate
> > features of 7200s on them
> Not necessarily - it's not too uncommon to have things that are available
> "but not yet distributed".
We've tried to switch off "ip cef dis" in 18S, but it didn't help box to
accept "protocol http" command. ;) Apparently, according to our NAS, NBAR is
included in 7200 S code but "not officially" and *not* included in S code
for 7500s yet. He is investigating with program director why this was done
in such way; I'll post an update when I have it.
> I've found that it's fully supported & distributed in 12.1(6)E, but I'm
> not going to put that on our most important core router...
According to the same source, E is code based on etherprise feature set, and
even further bleeding edge than T, which sent shivers down our spines and
completely turned down the idea of deploying in on anything live in our
-- CCNP, CCDP (R&S) Dmitri E. Kalintsev CDPlayer@irc Network Architect @ connect.com.au dek @ connect.com.au phone: +61 3 9674 3913 fax: 9251 3666 http://-UNAVAIL- UIN:7150410 cell: +61 414 821 382
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