Here are some URLs that may help you in answering this question.
please feel free to review the above information and then, return with a
problem that the people on this list can address.
Cisco Systems has worked long and hard to provide more information that one
person can read, but we should all try to do our part
Quoting pankaj <>:
> What does "ip source-route" will do.
> will it disable my current destination based routeing.
> Currently i am using route-map for sending traffic from perticular
> source to
> perticular interface. Is there any good methad than route-map.
> Thanks
> pankaj
One warning is perhaps in order---this territory we are entering can become a
fantastic time-sink. Hours can slip by, people can come and go, and you'll be
locked into Cyberspace. Remember to do your work!
Brendan P. Kehoe
(Zen and the Art of the Internet)
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