When I run 'sh ip bgp summ' I get the following result. Does anyone know
what the for Next Hop means on the last 2 lines.
Thank you in advance.
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 10x.51.194.0 20x.100.200.132 21 32768 i
*>i10x.40.127.0 20x.100.200.3 0 100 0 2571 i
*>i10x.40.196.0 20x.100.200.3 100 0 2571 i
*>i10x.40.204.0/23 20x.100.200.3 100 0 2571 i
*>i10x.40.206.0 20x.100.200.3 100 0 2571 i
*>i10x.40.254.0 20x.100.200.3 100 0 2571 i
*>i20x.9.96.0/20 20x.100.200.3 0 100 0 17666 i
*> 20x.100.200.0/19 0 32768 i
*> 20x.100.200.0/19 0 32768 i
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