RE: Smartnet and used equipment

From: Scott Morris (
Date: Sat Nov 10 2001 - 16:04:13 EST

When something is EOL (End of Life), it won't sell any more, but is
typically supported for two additional years. During this time, smartnet is
perefectly fine. However, after that, it's EOS (End of Support), where TAC
won't help you with it, you can't RMA, and you can't get SmartNet for it.

Your 2501's are still being sold. The 4000M may be in question, 'cause it's
really old. Your 4700M's are fine, and your 2900 switches are just fine!
But if they still sold you smartnet on the 4000M, then it must be cool.
Usually, if things have remained in service for a number of years, even the
older things will still get serviced. And sometimes (no policy), it's cool,
'cause you may get some unplanned upgrades if things need to be replaced. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Hagen Amen []
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Smartnet and used equipment

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Rubens Kuhl Jr. wrote:

> What happen though is SmartNet not covering old versions of

How old are we talking here? I've go a bunch of 2501's, a 4000M, 3
4700M's, and some original catalyst 2900 swithes under Smartnet, along
with everything else. It's never been a problem, I just renewed in July.
Some of those 2501's are almost 7 years old.

Hagen Amen, Network Analyst

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