At 07:57 PM 12/13/2001 -0800, Joe Lin wrote:
>Then is it true you can do Layer 2 EoMPLS with a 6500?
Yes you can do L2 EoMPLS with the 6500, with the same set of requirements.
The software needs to be 12.1(8a)EX or 12.1(8b)EX2 on a Sup2 with MSFC2 and
the uplink to the MPLS domain must be by either a OSM POS (OC3c, OC12c or
OC48c) interface or by OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC interface.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ian Cox []
>Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:42 PM
>To: Niels Bakker;
>Subject: Re: Service Provider and the 7600?
>At 01:12 AM 12/14/2001 +0100, Niels Bakker wrote:
> >* (Goodwin, Dustin T [IT]) [Thu 13 Dec 2001,
> >18:03 CET]:
> > > For service providers that want a box for below OC-192 applications
>is the
> > > 7600 make inroads on the GSR? It seems to exceed the GSR in some
> >
> >It does. It is also insanely expensive, even compared to the 6500
> >chassis, a few different cards, which in the end basically buys you
> >buffering).
>The 6500 and 7600 are the same product, different names are used for
>different markets the product is targeted at. The perception you have
>the difference in pricing is due to the fact that the 7600 base bundle
>256 Mbytes on the Supervisor 2 and 512 Bytes on the MSFC2 as the base
>configuration. If you take a 6500 and add 256Mbytes to the Supervisor
>Sup2U) and add 512Mbytes in the MSFC2 you will arrive at exactly the
>price. The default memory configuration for a Sup2, (non U) is 128Mbytes
>memory, and the default MSFC2 memory configuration is also 128Mbytes.
> > -- Niels.
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