On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 04:56:04PM +0100, JosepLlena wrote:
> How can I balance traffic between two offices with two or more lines ?
> One LAN in each side and two or more lines E1 to connect them. We want to
> balance traffic and obtain high availability, avoiding problems when one of
> them goes down.
> Anybody has got any experience with this ?
> I?ve read something about "Deterministic Load Distribution" in Cisco?s
> website. I ?on?t know it that applies in this case.
Are the two lines on the same chassis? If so, simple Multilink PPP should
suffice. If not, (I.e. you want real HA) then you need a routing protocol
such as OSPF or EIGRP - anything that supports equal-cost-multipath.
However, for this to work well you can't make the routing decision on
either of the two routers with the E1s connected, because the directly
connected E1 will always be lower cost. (There are ways round this but
it gets messy - you have to manually manipulate the costs of each link)
There's also Multichassis multilink PPP but I've never used that personally.
-- Ryan O'Connell - CCIE #8174 <ryan@complicity.co.uk> - http://www.complicity.co.ukI'm not losing my mind, no I'm not changing my lines, I'm just learning new things with the passage of time
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