Re: [nsp] ip nat inside -> inside static

From: Scott Silzer (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 15:46:17 EST

In the past I have been able to do things like that with route-maps for nat.

Not the best example but:

I can't find it now but there have been some changes in support of
this in IOS 12.2___

At 12:17 -0800 1/16/02, kevin graham wrote:
>Yeah, nat syntax between IOS and PIX have nothing in common I'm
>pessimistic enough to think that though the original intent for this not
>working may have been justified, the (apparent) lack of a workaround or
>fix is a minor component of PIX market protectionism. ...of course, I'd
>happily welcome being proven wrong.
>On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tim Devries wrote:
>> I know this can be done on a PIX using the 'alias' command. I've never
>> tried on a router.

Scott A Silzer

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