Got a new toy (7204VXR with all the goodies) to replace my 3640 router.
Call me a weenie, but this is now the biggest Cisco I've played with.
I am having a little trouble understanding something with it though:
output of show ver shows ~115MB of memory available. sh proc mem only
shows 80MB Total. I know in the 3640 there was the memory-size command
to partition off I/O memory, but I can't seem to find an equivalent in
the 7204.
Should the memory difference of 35M be logical? Can I bring that down a
tad? (The router is only using a DS3 Serial, 4 DS1 Serials, and 2 FE
interfaces, running 12.2(4)T1.)
Thanks for any help/insight into memory reporting differences.
-- /-------------------------------------------------> Marius Strom | Always carry a short length of fibre-optic cable. Professional Geek | If you get lost, then you can drop it on the System/Network Admin | ground, wait 10 minutes, and ask the backhoe | operator how to get back to civilization. \-------------| Alan Frame |---------------------->
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