[nsp] MLPP

From: Gyorfy, Shawn (sgyorfy@elinkny.com)
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 14:43:35 EST

What's up?

Question for you:

I am trying to get MLPP up and running, on one end I have a 10,000 ESR
running 12.0(9r)SL1 and the other a 3640 running 12.0(7)XK1. I have three
(3) Point to Point T1's going from the 3640 aggregated to different channels
on multiple DS3's on the 10K. I can get MLPP running on 1 or 2 connections,
I can ping across it no problem. Once I put the third connection, you can't
ping across the multilink interface at all. I reset the interface, all
bundled interfaces come up but you still can't ping across the MLPP
interface. I also tried this with two T1s, once I get the second T1
bundled, the MLPP interfaced won't allow me to ping the far end. It seems
once I bundled all T1's to a multilink interface, the multilink interface
decided that it can't ping its' other side, even though once bounced the
interface all circuits come back up in the up position.

Below is my config:

10,000 ESR Side:
interface Multilink2
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no ip route-cache cef
 no ip route-cache
 ppp multilink
 multilink-group 2

3640 Side:
interface Multilink2
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no cdp enable
 ppp multilink
 no ppp multilink fragmentation
 multilink-group 2

All adjoining Serial interfaces don't have ip addresses assigned and all say
multilink-group 2. Nothing in the 10k manual tells me you can't have
multiple T1s in different DS3 combined. It only informs me that the 10K
doesn't support fragmentation.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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