Re: Subnet Mask

From: Stephen Sprunk (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 12:45:05 EST

Thus spake "Giuliano Cardozo Medalha" <>
> Suposing a CISCO 2600 router with 2 interfaces (Serial ans Fast Ethernet)
> On the serial interface I put 10 different gateway for subneted networks
> On the fast ethernet I put 8 different gatewat foe subneted networks

You don't assign gateways on interfaces. You assign routes to gateways.

> when an IP package arrives on Fast Ethernet, how the router discover
> the net part of this addrss.
> What I mean ?
> What subnetmask (of 18 possibles) the router uses to do a Logical
operation > with the IP address to disciver the net part of the address ?

The router looks through the routing table for the longest match, and sends
the packet to the appropriate gateway. The exact logic used to do this

All of this should be adequately explained in the first chapter or two of
any introductory text on IP.


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