I am very sorry Mr. Sprunk
Yesterday nigth a very good system analyst give me a lot of explanation
about it.
I dault that on Comer, or Tanembaum or IBM TCP/IP Red Book could give me
some explanation about that
Nobody knows how the algorithm implemented by CISCO or Extreme or Juniper
works !!!
Therefore the explanations that I have yesterday were very clear for me ...
and in details
For that I look for help in this list
Best Regards
Em 28 Mar 2002, Stephen Sprunk escreveu:
>Thus spake "Giuliano Cardozo Medalha" <giuliano@usp.br>
>> Suposing a CISCO 2600 router with 2 interfaces (Serial ans Fast Ethernet)
>> On the serial interface I put 10 different gateway for subneted networks
>> On the fast ethernet I put 8 different gatewat foe subneted networks
>You don't assign gateways on interfaces. You assign routes to gateways.
>> when an IP package arrives on Fast Ethernet, how the router discover
>> the net part of this addrss.
>> What I mean ?
>> What subnetmask (of 18 possibles) the router uses to do a Logical
>operation > with the IP address to disciver the net part of the address ?
>The router looks through the routing table for the longest match, and sends
>the packet to the appropriate gateway. The exact logic used to do this
>All of this should be adequately explained in the first chapter or two of
>any introductory text on IP.
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