>Incidentally, the 4006 Layer 3 card isn't called an RSFC as far as I'm
>Everything I've seen refers to it simply as a "Layer 3 card".
Doesn't even operate as a "Switch Feature Card" like the RSFC or MSFC
does... more like a Cat5000 RSM or a Cat6000 MSM... virtual gig-e
connections into the backplane that can be configured as an etherchannel if
I'd not waste time with the Cat4000 Sup2/Layer-3 card combo... go with the
Sup3 engine. According to the "product literature" it's about 4 times as
fast. I also think it runs native IOS as well instead of presenting as two
separate devices.
-- Scott A. Keoseyan (sak@broadwing.com) Principal Engineer - Broadwing Technical Solutions B R O A D W I N G Inc.* 1881 Campus Commons, Suite 210 Reston, Virginia 20191 (703)391-1831 - (FAX)391-1810 http://www.broadwing.com/ccielab http://www.labyrinth.org/homepages/scott/home.html* Company name mentioned for identification purposes only. These ramblings are my own opinions +++The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this document.+++
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