hey, using my words w/out attribution?
> On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Terence C. Giufre-Sweetser wrote:
> > RSd is an option, if we deploy FOUR of them, *but* I don't need the
> > bells and whistles...
> or do what i have done on beta for MEL-NAP which is to use gated (BGP
> assembly language :)) in concert with a RAdb-like system.
> in reality, the solution you need to come up with for ausbone is education
> :). once people learn how to use BGP there will be a lot less problems :)
> | andrew khoo <andrew@aussie.net> | aus: +61-2-9310-3315 |
> | network architect for hire | gsm: +61-416-161-234 |
> | "We build large satellite nets" | usa: +1-415-902-8820 |
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