Re: [nsp] OSPF bugs

From: Basil V. Dolmatov (
Date: Fri Jul 17 1998 - 05:06:36 EDT

I would recommend to insert necessary routes on Cisco.
GateD behaves itself when inserting routes with different

Basil (Vasily) Dolmatov +7-095-956-4951
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia. (

Nick handles ;) : BVD12, DOL1-RIPE, VVD2-RIPN

On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Jon Lewis wrote:

> I'm still seeing a bug in OSPF on my 3640 running
> IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-I-M), Version 11.2(13)P1, RELEASE SOFTWARE
> (fc1)
> What happens is I have a router running gated that exports a few routes
> for devices that can't speak OSPF. i.e. it exports a route for some
> subnets with some other box as the gateway. This generally works fine for
> all my devices...but occasionally (like today) we needed to temporarily
> route some subnets to a different box, and the 3640 above received the new
> routes but also held onto the old ones, and kept using the old ones.
> I restarted gated several times on the system exporting the routes with no
> effect, and even shut down gated long enough for the neighbor status to be
> lost (the gated box was considered dead) and still the 3640 wouldn't throw
> away the routes.
> At the time, the 3640 was BDR, and a Lucent PM3 was DR.
> I've seen this problem before on 11.2(8) on the 3640, and 11.0(13) on
> 2501s. I was tempted to use our 3640 smartnet contract today, but I
> didn't feel like sitting on hold.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
> Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
> Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
> ______ for PGP public key____

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