I was perusing the new features for IOS 11.3 and came across something
intersting. Evidently one can configure an Access-Server to act as a
modem pool (I thought we could do this before...) but if you have the
appropriate software on your desktop, you can use the modems on the
access-server for things like outbound faxing.
This software is called the "Cisco DialOut Utility". Does anyone know
what this is or where it can be gotten? I did a search on CCO for it but
the only thing that came up was the document I was reading.... :(
Thus... (from the 11.3 feature release notes)
Description: The Telnet extensions for dialout feature is the network
access server component of the Cisco dialout utility, which enables local
users to send faxes or connect to services outside the LAN by using modems
attached (or internal) to a network access server. This feature extends
the functionality of Telnet by enabling users to control the activity of
these modems from their desktop computers using standard communications
software. Because the Telnet extensions for dialout feature works in
conjunction with the client/desktop Cisco dialout utility, it is not a
standalone feature. It enables the network access server to interface with
the client/desktop component of the Cisco dialout Utility. The
client/desktop component of Cisco dialout Utility must be installed on the
client workstation before this feature can be used.
Scott Keoseyan Director of Technology
falcon@labyrinth.org Powercom
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