we're currently testing Cisco's custom queuing (CQ) on
a 7206. There are two serial connections to the router:
serial 1/1 is framed E1 with bandwidth of 1984 Kbps, serial
1/3 is clocked at 2000 Kbps and is connected to a 7000 with
connections to several downstream networks.
The queues are based on access lists which distinguish
by IP address of the downstream networks. The byte counts
in the queues range from about 6000 to 60000.
We're trying to establish whether CQ works as we expect
and to adjust the configuration as appropriate. To do
this, we're measuring output on serial 1/3 to the various
downstream networks when the link is congested and there
is packet loss. We've not been able to show conclusively
that there is a link between a queue's byte count and
output to the corresponding network; indeed, we moved
one network to a queue with half the byte count and
found that output to it **went up**.
I'd be grateful for any advice on how to demonstrate
the effects of CQ and, by extension, how to refine the
Mike Norris
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