Re: [nsp] Trains, trees, and crashes.

From: Mark Borchers (
Date: Thu Mar 19 1998 - 03:47:12 EST

> OK. I am breaking down and admitting I can't find something I ought to
> know, Part 1.
> Somewhere, I have seen a writeup of what defines a release train or tree --
> the difference among a P, a T, a CA, etc. I'm not looking to find what is
> in specific releases as much as the identifier code, or a pointer to a
> writeup of it.
> I am sufficiently hair-challenged that I should not be pulling it out.
> Howard

I once went hunting all over CCO for this same information and
couldn't find it. Eventually some kind soul at the TAC sent me the
below list. Hope it's what you're looking for:


This is what I know...

AA = Access Train
BC = InterWorks (IBM) Core Train
BT = InterWorks (IBM) TN3270 Train
CA = Core Train
CC = Core ISP Train
F = New Features Train
IA = Cisco IOS (Distributed Director) Feature Train
NA = Internet (IPeXchange) Train
P = New Platforms Train
WA = Workgroup Train
XA = Limited Platform Train (1 release)

There may also be more, but this should take care of most of it. You
can always
read the Release Notes for each release to see what their purpose is.


Mark Borchers
InfiNet Network Engineering
NOC: (757) 624-2295 ext. 3007

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