Re: [nsp] NetFlow

From: blast (
Date: Sat Mar 21 1998 - 15:57:58 EST

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Rick Payne wrote:

> >>>>> "jlixfeld" == jlixfeld <> writes:
> jlixfeld> Hmm, thats the command that I have, but I can't seem to
> jlixfeld> get it going. When I to to the site, it tells me that
> jlixfeld> their is no data. I have nfc and the nfa display server
> jlixfeld> going, but I can't figure it out.
> Once you've turned netflow on at each i/f, you then need:
> ip flow-export destination <ip-address> <udp-port>

I am experiencing an anomaly with NETFLOW right now
and want to see if anyone out there has the same problems
so we can compare notes. I have a ticket open with the
TAC on this and have been fighting this bug since 11.2.7P.

I have a 7507 that is configured with these componenets:
 1 AIP controller (1 ATM).
 1 VIP2 controller (2 HSSI).
 2 HSSI network interface(s)
 1 ATM network interface(s)
I am currently running image 'rsp-jsv-mz.112-9.P.bin'.
Simple router, just LANE, SMDS, and Frame.

The LAN Interfaces are sub-interfaces ATM1/0.1 (.2, .3)
which are LANE clients.

The WAN Interfaces are in two flavors. SMDS and Frame.
Again, they are also sub-interfaces that are numbered
with IP addresses.

My point here is that all of my active (numbered) interfaces
are sub-interfaces and because I can't place the
'ip route-cache flow' command on the acual sub-interface,
I can't get NETFLOW information from those sub-ints.

* Why can't I put the 'ip route-cache flow' command
on the sub-interface? *

I did and ip fowarding between my SMDS sub-ints and
ATM sub-ints stopped. A call to the TAC informed me
that I can only place the 'ip route-cache flow' on my
"Parent" interfaces and to keep them off my sub-interfaces
until this issue is resolved.

Anyone out there see this same type of problem?

-Tim Keanini
   \ Tim Keanini | "The limits of my language, /
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   \ | --Ludwig Wittgenstein /
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