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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
--------------------------------------- at Mae-East from BBNplanet (AS1) ASPATH=1 IGP at Mae-West from BBNplanet (AS1) ASPATH=1 IGP
Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)
1. NetKonect (AS6716) at Mae-East 13 + 192674 = 192687 BGP prefix updates
2. Advantis (AS2685) at Mae-West 1210 + 141689 = 142899 BGP prefix updates
3. idc (AS4694) at Mae-West 1 + 128866 = 128867 BGP prefix updates
4. GetNet (AS5784) at Mae-East 0 + 100465 = 100465 BGP prefix updates
5. DISA (AS568) at Mae-West 1965 + 96394 = 98359 BGP prefix updates
6. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 67171 + 25397 = 92568 BGP prefix updates
7. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 22996 + 67966 = 90962 BGP prefix updates
8. Grid (AS6113) at PacBell 739 + 83429 = 84168 BGP prefix updates
9. Grid (AS6113) at Mae-East 574 + 83571 = 84145 BGP prefix updates
10. Grid (AS6113) at Mae-West 739 + 83339 = 84078 BGP prefix updates
Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)
1. Euro(AS5390) at Mae-East 26.00 (26 ann, 1 entries)
2. GoodNet(AS5696) at AADS 16.48 (4632 ann, 281 entries)
3. GoodNet(AS5696) at Mae-West 15.33 (4691 ann, 306 entries)
4. DISC(AS7170) at Mae-East 13.69 (657 ann, 48 entries)
5. conxion(AS4544) at Mae-West 11.67 (35 ann, 3 entries)
6. DREN(AS668) at Mae-East 10.97 (2226 ann, 203 entries)
7. CWIX(AS5683) at Mae-West 10.14 (12891 ann, 1271 entries)
8. GoodNet(AS5696) at Mae-East 9.72 (2956 ann, 304 entries)
9. CWIX(AS5683) at Mae-East 9.53 (12044 ann, 1264 entries)
10. CWIX(AS5683) at Mae-West 9.42 (11970 ann, 1271 entries)
11. CWIX(AS5683) at Mae-East 9.33 (11797 ann, 1264 entries)
12. Digex(AS2548) at Mae-East 7.58 (4610 ann, 608 entries)
13. INS(AS6660) at Mae-East 6.99 (496 ann, 71 entries)
14. DISA(AS568) at Mae-West 6.38 (5288 ann, 829 entries)
15. Digex(AS2548) at Mae-West 6.22 (3792 ann, 610 entries)
16. DREN(AS668) at Mae-West 6.04 (1257 ann, 208 entries)
17. Dialnet(AS5552) at Mae-East 5.88 (453 ann, 77 entries)
18. Grid(AS6113) at PacBell 5.85 (4731 ann, 809 entries)
19. INSnet(AS5378) at Mae-East 5.63 (383 ann, 68 entries)
20. InterAccess(AS3789) at AADS 5.47 (104 ann, 19 entries)
Count of Announced Prefixes with AS origin IRR Discrepancies
1. SPRINT (1239) at mae-east 3289
2. internetMCI (3561) at pb 702
3. CWIX (5683) at mae-west 671
4. BBNplanet (1) at mae-west 420
5. AGIS (4200) at mae-east 365
6. Grid (6113) at mae-east 318
7. Digex (2548) at mae-west 147
8. CAIS (3491) at aads 146
9. NASA (297) at mae-west 129
10. EUnet (286) at mae-east 111
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