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routing problems and recommendations on ways service providers can
limit the spread of invalid routing information.
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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
10/8 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete at PacBell from GEOnet (AS3356) ASPATH=3356 561 IGP
172.16/16 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete
192.168.1/24 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete
192.168.125/24 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete
192.168.4/24 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete
192.168.5/24 at AADS from INCnet (AS3857) ASPATH=3857 Incomplete at Mae-East from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1674 IGP at Mae-West from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1674 IGP at PacBell from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1674 IGP at Mae-West from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1699 IGP at Mae-West from DISA (AS568) ASPATH=568 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 3542 Incomplete at Mae-West from DISA (AS568) ASPATH=568 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 3542 Incomplete at Mae-West from DISA (AS568) ASPATH=568 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 3542 Incomplete at Mae-West from DISA (AS568) ASPATH=568 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 3542 Incomplete at Mae-East from Grid (AS6113) ASPATH=6113 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5672 10501 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-West from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-West from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-West from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-East from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete at Mae-West from ACSI (AS6467) ASPATH=6467 5009 Incomplete
Reserved AS Numbers
AS65515 at Mae-East from Digex (AS2548) ASPATH=2548 5415 65515 8207 IGP
AS65515 at Mae-West from Digex (AS2548) ASPATH=2548 5415 65515 8207 IGP
Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)
1. DISA (AS568) at Mae-West 4141 + 6779536 = 6783677 BGP prefix updates
2. GetNet (AS5784) at Mae-East 0 + 2070741 = 2070741 BGP prefix updates
3. internetMCI (AS3561) at PacBell 327916 + 101914 = 429830 BGP prefix updates
4. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 244601 + 124425 = 369026 BGP prefix updates
5. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 241995 + 125114 = 367109 BGP prefix updates
6. Grid (AS6113) at Mae-East 1406 + 359644 = 361050 BGP prefix updates
7. Grid (AS6113) at PacBell 337 + 354678 = 355015 BGP prefix updates
8. Grid (AS6113) at Mae-West 335 + 352073 = 352408 BGP prefix updates
9. idc (AS4694) at Mae-West 171 + 343486 = 343657 BGP prefix updates
10. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 248154 + 69544 = 317698 BGP prefix updates
Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)
1. Voicenet(AS3932) at Mae-East 19.09 (1050 ann, 55 entries)
2. internetMCI(AS3561) at PacBell 18.45 (327916 ann, 17771 entries)
3. Intermedia(AS6235) at Mae-East 18.21 (1621 ann, 89 entries)
4. internetMCI(AS3561) at AADS 14.03 (241995 ann, 17251 entries)
5. internetMCI(AS3561) at Mae-East 13.75 (244601 ann, 17792 entries)
6. SPRINT(AS1239) at Mae-East 11.35 (248154 ann, 21862 entries)
7. AT&T(AS6478) at PacBell 10.57 (13705 ann, 1296 entries)
8. AT&T(AS6478) at AADS 10.36 (13818 ann, 1334 entries)
9. VBC(AS6320) at Mae-West 9.92 (129 ann, 13 entries)
10. NASA(AS297) at Mae-West 8.71 (7749 ann, 890 entries)
11. CAIS(AS3491) at Mae-West 8.19 (5152 ann, 629 entries)
12. AT&T(AS6478) at Mae-East 7.39 (9855 ann, 1333 entries)
13. InterAccess(AS3789) at AADS 7.21 (173 ann, 24 entries)
14. Netcom(AS2551) at Mae-East 7.19 (2423 ann, 337 entries)
15. CAIS(AS3491) at AADS 6.27 (4155 ann, 663 entries)
16. INCnet(AS3857) at AADS 5.77 (692 ann, 120 entries)
17. Netcom(AS2551) at Mae-West 5.19 (1738 ann, 335 entries)
18. CAIS(AS3491) at Mae-East 4.84 (6093 ann, 1259 entries)
19. CableInet(AS5462) at Mae-West 4.84 (208 ann, 43 entries)
20. CAIS(AS3491) at Mae-East 4.75 (5974 ann, 1259 entries)
Count of Announced Prefixes with AS origin IRR Discrepancies
1. SPRINT (1239) at mae-east 3608
2. internetMCI (3561) at mae-east 689
3. AGIS (4200) at mae-east 439
4. BBNplanet (1) at mae-west 361
5. AT&T (6478) at pb 209
6. Grid (6113) at mae-east 196
7. CWIX (5683) at mae-west 164
8. Digex (2548) at mae-east 148
9. EUnet (286) at mae-east 132
10. CAIS (3491) at mae-west 131
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