10/18/97 Internet Routing Problems

From: stats@merit.edu
Date: Sun Oct 19 1997 - 10:00:05 EDT

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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
No routing problems were detected

Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)

1. NetKonect (AS6716) at Mae-East 18 + 268521 = 268539 BGP prefix updates
2. GetNet (AS5784) at Mae-East 0 + 216052 = 216052 BGP prefix updates
3. USCyber (AS4136) at Mae-East 4 + 172676 = 172680 BGP prefix updates
4. internetMCI (AS3561) at PacBell 125289 + 5776 = 131065 BGP prefix updates
5. Interpath (AS3407) at Mae-East 54 + 103445 = 103499 BGP prefix updates
6. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 80170 + 11922 = 92092 BGP prefix updates
7. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 66290 + 5873 = 72163 BGP prefix updates
8. idc (AS4694) at Mae-West 0 + 67671 = 67671 BGP prefix updates
9. telia (AS1299) at Mae-East 446 + 54096 = 54542 BGP prefix updates
10. AGIS (AS4200) at Mae-East 20093 + 10945 = 31038 BGP prefix updates

Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)

1. NetAxs(AS4969) at Mae-East 122.06 (5737 ann, 47 entries)
2. conxion(AS4544) at AADS 15.33 (46 ann, 3 entries)
3. AGIS(AS4200) at Mae-East 13.32 (20093 ann, 1509 entries)
4. HLC(AS4565) at Mae-East 10.36 (611 ann, 59 entries)
5. HLC(AS4565) at Mae-West 8.62 (569 ann, 66 entries)
6. HLC(AS4565) at AADS 7.83 (423 ann, 54 entries)
7. internetMCI(AS3561) at PacBell 7.80 (125289 ann, 16062 entries)
8. ISI.Net(AS6196) at Mae-East 7.19 (489 ann, 68 entries)
9. CableInet(AS5462) at Mae-West 6.51 (280 ann, 43 entries)
10. Priori(AS10303) at Mae-East 6.00 (72 ann, 12 entries)
11. Dialnet(AS5552) at Mae-East 5.54 (421 ann, 76 entries)
12. EXODUS(AS3967) at Mae-East 5.53 (376 ann, 68 entries)
13. Grid(AS6113) at Mae-East 5.04 (5245 ann, 1040 entries)
14. DREN(AS668) at Mae-East 4.70 (1052 ann, 224 entries)
15. Primenet(AS3549) at Mae-East 4.61 (304 ann, 66 entries)
16. CableInet(AS5462) at Mae-East 4.49 (193 ann, 43 entries)
17. Priori(AS10303) at Mae-West 4.42 (53 ann, 12 entries)
18. Internex(AS2828) at Mae-East 4.32 (281 ann, 65 entries)
19. INX(AS8218) at Mae-East 4.25 (34 ann, 8 entries)
20. BBNplanet(AS1) at Mae-East 4.20 (19212 ann, 4578 entries)

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